This post deserves a little explanation. This is my friend and her family owns commercial, wholesale greenhouses. I've been helping her out for the last couple of months. As we pulled into the drive today, she noticed that a couple of the panes of "glass" on the roof of this greenhouse were sagging. She determined that she needed to get the snow and ice off of the panes, to avoid a cave in situation. So she climbed the ladder and stood up on the slick, ice-covered roof, in the snow and 20 degree temps, with 40 mph winds. For 15 minutes. Absolutely crazy. Crazy. :)
Just a little more clarification. The greenhouses are not glass. They are a wonderful poly product that is crazy strong, but can only indure so much weight for so long. And after years of winters with heavy weight snow, it has taken its toll on the product in this particular location that does not see enough sun during the day to melt the snow suffiently. Does it need to be replaced? YES! Until summer, my mission is to make sure the roof does not collapse. And, with more snow in the forecast, I had to take action. Crazy??? Maybe just a little.
Well, at least we know that the greenhouse's owner reads the blog. :)
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